Beretta Rice - Kosher
The company philosophy of " IL RISO
BERETTA" has always been to provide the ABSOLUTE QUALITY
rice available.
Our years of experience and
our dedication to the most modern technology helps us to
husk and select only the grains of rice perfect for
ripening and drying, while keeping all of the nutritional
properties of the rice intact.In order to offer a
superior product IL RISO BERETTA offers the
packaging innovation of "ASSURED FRESHNESS".
This new method of packaging offers a
triple protection . The cardboard box with a window shows
the high quality of the product to the consumer. The
technology used to place the rice in the strong cellophane
bag provides the rice with the most gentle of environments
in order to keep it fresh and complete.
When you open the bag, you will always find
fresh whole grains of nutritious and delicious rice -
always perfect for a very tasty RISOTTO.

Arborio Rice - 1kg
Vialone Rice - 1kg
Carnaroli Rice - 1 kg
Gran Polenta - 500 gr